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Influence of climatic data of Akmola region to change of freezing depth

УДК 692.035.3

ISSN 1606–416Х

Category: Applied mathematics, Information technologies

Freezing of the ground base of the foundations of buildings and structures is a difficult task in construction. The process of soil freezing is influenced by many factors, such as physical-mechanical properties of soils, climatic conditions, location and depth of groundwater, etc. This article presents one of the factors affecting the frost properties of soils, such as climatic data, especially the average negative temperature of the winter period. The presented graphs provide information and are a source for designing the depth of foundation in Astana city. Due to what can be defined between the frost hazardous properties such as frost heave and the force of frost heaving on empirical methods. It is also possible to make the analysis of the soil ground and to estimate stability of the soil bases of the foundations.

Keywords: freezing, negative temperature, frost depth.