This article reviews the mathematical and computer modeling of the process of four-component fluid mixture separation by Lattice Boltzmann equations (LB) method and phase field method. The process under study is considered in a limited area having the shape of a rectangle. The mathematical model constructed to describe this process is based on the Navier-Stokes equation for an incompressible fluid and the CahnHilliard equation. The numerical model is built on the basis of D2Q9 scheme of LB method. Numerical experiments were performed for two scenarios: (1) – investigate the model without body force, in order to determine the patterns of the surface tension effect and (2) investigate the model with body force. The results obtained determine the adequacy of the constructed model for the four-component fluid.
Keywords: four-component fluid, mixtures separation, Cahn-Hilliard equation, free energy, lattice Boltzmann equations method.